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1 Cours

Soft skills
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Enseignant: samira farhat

Cours Soft skills - Mme Samira Farhat

Cours:e Soft skills

Dr.Samira Farhat - Semestre 2

This course aims to enable students to be independent advocates of their own success by building strong foundations for team work and self-management. Students practice self-awareness, social awareness and team effectiveness by using experiential exercises. The activities offer a simulation of real-world dynamics whereby the students experiment different techniques of communication and integrate a variety of soft skills. This course provides opportunities for integrated learning that introduces the students to communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative, planning, leadership and self-management.


The outline in the soft skills course document is as follows:

Week 1 & 2: Unit 1: Effective communication and soft skills / understanding communication

Week 3 & 4: Unit 2: Managerial Interpersonal Skills

Week 5 & 6: Unit 3: organization and planning

Week 7 & 8: Unit 4: teamwork and you

Week 9 & 10: Unit 5: Resumé writing: how to refer to soft skills in your resumé