14 Cours
Semestre 2
This course is premised on the assumption that theory is not a fixed set of ideas that never evolve once put forward, but is an energetic body of texts that dialecticise the flow of thought by allowing it to transgress boundaries, remap space and shape the future. Theory always rearticulates the past and envisions the future; it is always “posted” and is incessantly undergoing a process of change, and its death is proclaimed even as its necessity is heralded.
Hence theory meets with literature in that both cross boundaries by resisting determinacy; theory travels faster than ever in the age of hyper-textuality and time as well as space are endlessly reconceived. The trends introduced in this course show how the latest developments in theory become more encompassing of the world as they help us reconceptualise not only time and space but also rewrite the space and role of the humanities in the modern world, race politics, gender categories, ethical and ecological issues, together with the redefinition of such pressing issues as power, identity, nation and textuality.
The course also includes examples of how theory could be applied to literary or cultural texts; in this context, references will be made to specific poems and short excerpts.
Ce cours de thermodynamique est enseigné au second semestre et s’adresse aux étudiants en 1ère année licence appliquée Technologie et Ingénierie du Transport. Il a comme objectif final d’amener les étudiants à comprendre le principe de fonctionnement des machines thermiques. Nous commençons par définir des notions de bases de la thermodynamique, puis étudier le premier principe et le deuxième principe de la thermodynamique. Nous étudions les deux types de machines thermiques et en particulier dithermes à savoir les moteurs et les récepteurs (machines frigorifiques et pompes à chaleurs), nous calculons leurs rendements et efficacités et nous traitons des applications (cycle de Carnot, cycle de Beau de Rochas, cycle de Diesel,etc.).